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Clean Water

In the name of Allah (most gracious, most merciful).

UAMA is leading a way to find relief and getting clean water to rural areas to effect a way of eliminating our brothers and sisters, especially in Ramadan from traveling so far while fasting to get clean water. 

By providing Bore Holes (Naikondos) to the residents of these villages ( muslims and non muslims), we are fulfilling one of our Daawa obligations as an Organization and at the same time giving our Sadakatul Jaaria as individuals, hence saving the residents of these communities the long walks to reach clean water. 

The construction of a Bore hole (Naikondo) could take as little as one and half months to complete. Insha’Allah, our target is to complete a borehole or two before each Ramadan.

Villages in Uganda typically get their water from spring wells; some far, others even further. Our vision is to target one village or two at a time in proving Bore Hole Wells closer to the people.

We hope to collaborate with other community-based services in the future; however, our first phase of the project is planned to be fully funded by UAMA members and well-wishers.

The need for clean water is endless; our plan is to continuously extend this service to other villages of the country
Your contribution is very appreciated; for tax purposes, our EIN #26-3966568

Please send checks to: 7701 Lake Glen Drive,Glendale, MD 20769 


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*Last name
*UAMA Chapter
*We would like to send you relevant text Messages.
*Desired Fund
*Amount ($USD)

Call or Text: 202-780-8323
Email Us: uama@uamalink.org

Address: Benjamin Franklin-Post Office
                1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW
                Washington, DC 20004

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